The Moreno Valley Unified School District offers free, nutritious meals to children ages 2 to 18 this summer. Starting Mid-June, families can enjoy free healthy food and fun at the Main Library at 25480 Alessandro Blvd and Celebration Park at 14965 Morgan Ave.
The meals are provided by the district and funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Summer Food Service Program. The program runs until July 20th and is open to all children 2-18 in the area.
To make sure that no child goes hungry during school vacations and off-track periods, parents and referral agencies can find a list of locations where children may receive free nutritious meals on the California Department of Education website.
The district also provides “Grab & Go” free meals at selected schools in the area. For more information about these programs or how you can help support them, visit the Moreno Valley Unified School District website or Facebook page today!
What Are the Benefits of The Moreno Valley Unified School Summer Meal Program?
The Summer Meals Program provides an opportunity for children to get the nutrition they need while also having fun. The program offers a variety of expanded learning activities such as sports, arts and crafts, and educational programs that help kids learn about nutrition and healthy eating habits.
Additionally, the program helps promote physical activity by offering outdoor activities such as running, biking, and football.
The Moreno Valley Unified School Summer Meals Program also helps support local businesses by providing additional customers during the summer months; This helps create extra summer jobs in the community and boosts the local economy.
Overall, the Moreno Valley Unified School Summer Meals Program is an excellent way for families needing nutritious meals while allowing kids to have fun during their summer break. It is an invaluable resource for families who cannot afford healthy meals alone.
Student Hires Programs
At Student Hires, our primary goal is to uplift the disadvantaged youth within our community by offering them practical, experience-based learning opportunities.
To achieve this, we collaborate with college students who act as mentors and inspirational figures for K-12 students. Our programs are designed to equip these young individuals with the essential skills and knowledge required to excel in their future professions. We also provide breakfast and lunch currently through our Luv2Play summer program. We offer a wide range of healthy and delicious foods that we know our students will enjoy.
By leveraging the strength of education and community involvement, we strive to disrupt the cycle of poverty and furnish our students with the resources necessary to realize their utmost potential.
The Moreno Valley Unified School District Summer Meals Program is an excellent resource for children ages 2 to 18 years in the community. It provides free, nutritious lunches and gives students a safe place to learn and have fun while the family is out during the day!